Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bright Ideas

Today I want to comment on some of the insensitivity shown by today's corporate numbskulls.

Take Samsung for example:
They just released a prototype for the Touch-Sight, a digital camera that takes a sound recording when a picture is taken. A visually impaired person can then review pics and remember the Eiffel Tower or Sea World by what the jackasses around them were talking about when seeing their favorite sights.

It's just cruel to make a camera for the blind

Also, I don't appreciate the use of the word "retardant" by the geniuses at when describing their $16 Space Blanket. Although it 'crackles and sparkles with every movement', the product is belittling.

This kid is retarded

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday's Poll Results

Now's your chance, Mary...

Most of our readers would go to second base with you!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why do people ride bikes with a pole where the seat used to be?

Why do people ride bikes with a pole where the seat used to be?

I can think of a few reasons:
(1) living on the edge
(2) it's kinda gay
(3) you live in the 'hood where a bike seat can get you a fat rock
(4) only hipsters and yuppies sit on bike seats

I was watching a guy in a hoodie standing up on his pedals at a crosswalk in front of me. It's really an art to wait for a light to change while balancing your bike. As I was pondering this, wishing I could photo-document the phenomenon, and the guy whistles in my direction.

A new 'whistle song' or a pick-up stategy? He whistles again. I ignore. Another whistle. So I make eye contact. And the homie says, "Hey can I get a smoke?" Ahhhh...
I can't wait to whistle at people to get their attention! Saying hello? Passe! Need to ask directions? Everyone just fucken whistle at randoms for whatever it is you need!! It's totally hip and you'll be living on the edge.